Missanabie Cree Business Corporation
The Missanabie Cree First Nation,
Chief Jason Gauthier​​
I started the for-profit corporation Missanabie Cree Business Limited Partnership in 2014. I began the Corporation with the intent that, with the strategic partnerships, we could establish synergies within community benefit agreements and in the mining sectors located on traditional Missanabie lands. These valuable community benefit agreements serve to economically enhance First Nation members opportunities and encourage the cultural fusion of Indigenous traditions. We have negotiated two profitable Community Benefit Agreements with Alamos Gold and Argonaut Gold that are continually growing into innovative and profitable agreements with the inclusion of other First Nations and community benefits. Further, the business has expanded with the establishment of numerous Joint Venture Partnership agreements that have enhanced MCBLP’s community involvement, provided First Nation members with valuable job opportunities and increased economic opportunities for the community as a whole. Finally, as the Chief of Missanabie Cree First Nation I ensure the careful consideration and involvement of traditional Indigenous ways of knowing and being into all partnerships, agreements and endeavors of the Missanabie Cree Business Limited Partnership.

Chief Jason Gauthier
Missanabie Cree First Nation